An addition to the highlytouted family of SLX reels, the SLX MGL 70 features Shimano’s low inertia MGL Spool in a compact 70size reel The MGL Spool excels in the castability of both finesse and heavy lures, while the compact size of the SLX MGL 70 makes it a perfect reel for lightline applications as well as flipping and pitching. An addition to the highlytouted family of SLX reels, the SLX MGL 70 features Shimano’s low inertia MGL Spool in a compact 70size reel The MGL Spool excels in the castability of both finesse and heavy lures, while the compact size of the SLX MGL 70 makes it a perfect reel for lightline applications as well as flipping and pitching But don’t count the SLX MGL 70 out in heavycover. An addition to the highlytouted family of SLX reels, the SLX MGL 70 features Shimano’s low inertia MGL Spool in a compact 70size reel The MGL Spool excels in the castability of both finesse and heavy lures, while the compact size of the SLX MGL 70 makes it a perfect reel for lightline applications as well as flipping and pitching But don’t count the SLX MGL 70 out in heavycover.
500 ノット
pso2 ロッド 武器迷彩 おすすめ
mh ロッド
15 ソルティガ 4000h
8フィート ベイトロッド バス