FM 0 is a halocarbon agent accepted as an alternative to halon for total flooding fire suppression systems After receiving the fire signal, FM 0 is discharged totally from the cylinders within 10 seconds to fill up the space uniformly at the. FIRE DETECTION AND FM0 SUPPRESSION SYSTEM A SCOPE This specification outlines the requirements for a crosszoned detection and total flooding FM0 fire suppression system The work described in the specification consists of all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary and required to complete and test the system. FM0 FM0 suppression systems provide a safe, effective and clean alternative to Halon systems10 seconds or less When it comes to a fire suppressant, using an agent that can be delivered as quickly as possible will lead to less damage of the very property that it is used to protect FM0 systems reach extinguishing levels this quickly.
16キャタリナ インプレ
ana 釣竿 国内線
daiwa モバイル パック
drt ロッド ヤフオク
dc ダイワ