Replied by B_ on topic Shore jigging set Dakle, slažem frendu neki univerzalni spinjig komplet Naručili smo Daiwa BG 3500 kao rolu i sad treba uzet štap Pročitao sam sve ovdje opet i nekoliko je solucija, najbitnije je dobar omjer cijene i kvalitete Black Savage 60, 251cm, 650kn. Front Balanced Jigs Akula Jig by Hart A front weighted jig Those types of jigs have more weight gathered in front, where the eyes are Those jigs usually have a very good casting ability, even in strong wind and during casting, the head goes first like a bullet When it hits the water, this jig has a relatively fast sinking action but. Length 2 cm (9'6") Closed Length 1495 cm Weight 215 g Top Diameter 22 mm But Diameter 143 mm.
100均 重り 釣り
line スタンプ 吹き出し
nabura 釣具
21 アルテグラ 4000xg 売っ て ない
1月 釣り 関西